I put my altar in time out today.
Much like this blog I’ve been trying to figure out what to do with it for a long time. The answer to the former was to do a bit of a redesign and try again; the answer to the latter seems to be “get it out of my face.”
This is not to say I’ve stopped believing or practicing for good or any of that. I’ve stripped it down naked so I can give it a good cleaning but then I plan to only put back a half dozen or so things. Everything is so complicated, so fraught, in life anymore that I want something to be simple. I’m not getting rid of anything, just putting it in a box for a while.
I admit my practice, and my spiritual/magical life in general, has suffered lately. Aside from (and possibly also due to) what’s going on in the world, watching completely incompetent, cruel children destroy the lives of people in my country and try to erase those I care for while the planet broils and bird flu spreads, well, my brain has decided to try and kill me again. I tumbled into the Shit Pit a couple of weeks ago and though I keep trying to climb out I end up seeing too many news posts, or thinking too hard about my current life circumstances, and rolling right back in.
My depression follows a fairly predictable cycle that is at least loosely tied to my hormones. (This doesn’t seem to interest gynecologists or regular doctors, according to them I should just take birth control about it and go on a diet.) I tend to get a wave of badness about 10-14 days before I bleed and usually once my actual period starts I’m able to slowly climb out, then get a couple of days of feeling really well before I do it all again. This has been my life for as long as I’ve had a period, although I’m pretty sure I had some level of depression long before that. But sometimes things are bad enough that I don’t get the climb. I stay in the Pit for weeks. Those are the scary ones where dark thoughts gain traction and I have, in the past, ended up in crisis.
Is that happening this time? I don’t know. I know that when there are actual exacerbating circumstances it’s a lot harder than when it’s “just” my brain full of faulty wiring. Random Shit Pit episodes are easier because they aren’t based on events; I can look at how I feel and say “This is temporary, it’ll be better in a few days.” When actual bad things are happening the intensity of whole thing doubles.
My mind is the sky; my moods are just the weather. They move across the sky and change and sometimes they’re fierce and terrifying, but they always change. There is no static state of the self. And yet…
In times like this I always start to question: Is this the one I won’t come back from? Is there something underneath the Shit Pit that’s trying to stretch its claws up into my soul? Am I ever going to actually be happy, or even okay, for more than 3-4 days at a time? Is there any point in even asking?
One thing is certain: I need to see a real brain doctor. I’m fond of my GP but her knowledge of my issues is limited by necessity. I need someone whose entire job is brain wiring. Someone who can confirm I have ADHD and help me figure out where the depression fits into it. That’s one of my intentions for the next month – find a shrink, female, who takes my insurance. But my executive dysfunction makes that kind of adulting very very difficult. I’m still fighting with myself to call my former 401k people and get them to change my account information so I can actually log in again.
I’m going to have to show up for myself, though, or whatever happens out there in the world, in here, it will never get any better.