I haven’t done much crafting in a long time, and I was so pleased with these guys I had to share. We’ve all got our quarantine crafts, right? What can I say, I didn’t want to make sourdough.

I’ve had the same huge wooden jewelry box for years. It’s a great piece, and has drawers and swing-out compartments and you name it, but over time I’ve realized it’s just too much car for me. I found putting things in the various compartments such a pain that I would just pile my jewelry on my armoire where it would get tangled up.
Most of the jewelry I wear every day I hang on my wall from a driftwood hanger I made forever ago. I have a lot of pendants, but they still don’t need the kind of organization the red box provided since none of them are on chains. Because of my nickel allergy I have a selection of chains that I wear and just swap out the pendants.
I trolled around Etsy for a neat but inexpensive box that would hold everything, but it occurred to me: a couple of weeks ago I found this nested set of two unfinished boxes in my craft supplies (I think from Michaels, I remember they were $3) and thought…hmm…why can’t I make my own? And why can’t I have two small ones instead of one big one?
I had also recently gotten my hands on a lovely decorative paper collection by a European company called Stamperia and I was itching to glue it to something cool.
The collection, “Cosmos,” was celestial and night-time themed, and it went perfectly with the general color and decor I’ve had going over by my altar lately. I had in fact purchased it to make things for my altar, but decided it would also be perfect to decorate my new jewelry boxes.
Tools and Materials I Used:
- Unfinished wooden boxes (6″ and 4″ square)
- FolkArt ultra matte chalk finish paint in Cascade, Grotto, and Nautical
- FolkArt multi-surface acrylic in 14K Gold
- Cosmos paper collection
- Mod Podge (satin finish)
- 4 round plastic “silver” beads
- A wee precision screwdriver for all those tiny tiny screws
- Tim Holz Metal Ornate Plate
- Tiny tiny teal beads
- Ranger Glossy Accents
- Aleene’s Tacky Glue
The only things I bought specifically for this project were chalk paints; everything else I already had. (Oh, and I borrowed the Mod Podge from my roomie.)
It wasn’t a terribly complicated process. I coated the boxes in Cascade paint, then dry brushed the other colors on the sides and corners until I got the look I wanted.
Then I Mod-Podged the paper bits onto the boxes, let that dry, and finished with two coats of Mod Podge over the whole box.
For the larger box, I took the name plate, which was silver, and coated it with the gold paint. I wasn’t sure if it would stay on, but apparently “multi surface” really means “multi surface.” I was so pleased that I used the paint again on the round beads that became feet for the small box.
I glued the name plate and a sentiment I found in the paper collection onto the top, then flooded inside the bracket with Glossy Accents; it dries clear like a resin. (I used to use Glossy Accents on my shrines to mimic water.)
Since I couldn’t find my metal brads, I used the two teal beads where brads should go. They add a bit of sparkle.
I wanted a ring organizer inside the bigger box, so I cut out half of the foam thingie that was in my old red box. This box will be for my rings and pendants. I also thought the inside lid needed something, so I went through the paper collection and found myself an owl.
The smaller box is just for earrings, so it didn’t need any foam. The inside of that one is plain Cascade, without any adornment; it’s so small I think adding anything more would have been overkill.
I did, however, give it feet! I found four squatty round beads and painted them gold, then glued them to the bottom of the box, just to fancy it up a little.
I’m so happy with these lil’ guys. They look great together and they hold everything I need them to hold. I have them on top of my armoire with a couple of bowls where I keep perfumes and whatever jewelry I’ve just taken off.
I have so many unfinished little boxes and other containers I could probably use up the whole paper collection decorating them – they’d make great gifts.
Have you made anything while you’ve been in quarantine? What’s your most recent craft or art project? Now’s a great time to try making something new, if you have the energy and mental space.
(If all you’ve managed to create lately is a Cap’n Crunch and Gummi Bear quesadilla, you’re doing fine! A pandemic is not a reason to “hustle” more or give your life a makeover unless that’s what you have the time, strength, and money to do. Whatever you’re doing, or not doing, you’re doing great. That’s not sarcasm.)