I’ll be honest: February was kind of a non-starter.

A nasty ice storm hit Austin the first week of the month and brought down half the trees in the city; this also knocked out power to hundreds of thousands of people, including myself. Our power was out for four days. (This happened two years ago, if you’ll recall, only much worse.) With no way to cook and our fridge out (I hope I never have to clean rotten food out of a fridge that’s had no power for a week ever, ever again!) we had to order out food several times, breaking my “no food delivery” part of the depth year. I lost my grip on ordering out after that and did it oh, so many times. Looking at the amount of money I spent it makes me even more determined to shake the habit!
I’ve grossly violated a couple of other spending categories, but I didn’t do it with my own money! I got a gift card to B&N and ordered three new books. But no washi tape or Tarot decks! Small victories, right?
I did buy a couple of dollhouse things, but they weren’t miniatures themselves; I downloaded some templates for a tiny project to go in the house, and I ordered supplies (wood glue, spackle, sandpaper, UV resin, and a mold to make jars – I tried 100 different ways to make little herb jars, but they all sucked. I finally broke down and ordered a mold. Witches need jars, yo.). As I said, supplies are fine. Hopefully this order will be enough of everything to finish the house! My goal is to get it done by May, so it will be a full yearlong project.
I am thinking maybe when the house is basically finished if I want to do one last order for little things to embellish or finish it off, that would be okay. For example, I want to get my dollhouse character a pair of rubber rain boots to put on the patio. Little things like that. But I’d definitely set a limit! That kind of stuff adds up FAST.
(Don’t worry, I plan to post pics of the house and some of the miniatures I’ve made for it. I’m far too proud of the project not to share it everywhere I can.)
To sum up: February = NOPE! I’m not too upset about it; this month blew very similar goats to January. In March I’m going to focus on three things: Not ordering food delivery, working on the dollhouse upstairs, and getting back on my meditation practice, which has suffered horribly in the last couple of months.
What are you hoping to do in March? Drop a comment if you’d like to share.