Time for a review of March’s Depth Year efforts. I have to say this month went a lot better than February, though I’m clearly still a work in progress (in all things!).
No Buy categories:
I did great in all but one!
Books – None
Washi tape – None
Miniatures – None (just supplies)
Food delivery- Sweet baby Jesus, I’m still really struggling here. I had some really bad brain days this month, and it’s almost impossible to properly feed myself when I’m in the Shit Pit. I think barely being able to get out of bed is an acceptable circumstance for food delivery; I just need to cut out all the other occasions, like, “Because it’s Wednesday.” I did manage to stanch the bleeding in the second half of the month which I’m hoping is a positive trend.
Winnowing categories:
Tarot decks and oracles – not yet
Books – not yet
Cookbooks – not yet

Clothes – I gave away three entire grocery bags full of clothes! My closet is literally half empty. I was extra relentless – if I hadn’t worn it in a year it went in the bags. If it didn’t fit it went in the bags. I gave the whole lot to a woman on my local Buy Nothing group
Altar stuff – not yet
Art supplies – not yet
Also this month I made some progress on the dollhouse (I’m going to do a big tour soon, I just want to get the top floor back wall on so you’re not looking through the house at my roommate’s chair) – I got her altar and Witchy shelves made and installed and they look SO COOL.
And, I started/completed another unrelated project, an apothecary/library style jewelry cabinet. There’ll be a separate post on that too.

So……How About April?
This month I’d like to:
1. Continue improvement on the whole food delivery thing, preferably not do it at all.
2. I didn’t get back on my meditation/ritual wagon as much as I’d like in March either, so that remains a goal. My hope is to do meditations of 20 minutes (or so) at least 3 times a week, and sit at my altar (for any reason or just to chill) at least once a week. Amazing how quickly life gets in the way of that! I do things rather sporadically but I need to make it a habit again.
3. Keep moving on the decluttering!