Hello friends and welcome! I’m Dianne and I’ll be your author today.
I am currently 48 years old, a double Scorpio, a native Texan, a size 26; my pronouns are she/her.
Important note to start off: If you are homophobic, misogynistic, support Trump to any degree, are anti LGBTQIA, a TERF, a big lover of capitalism or a hater of fat people, then my work, and I, are definitely NOT FOR YOU. I am a trans-adoring, antifascist, antiracist feminist. If you plan to argue with me on these points…go away. I do not engage with trolls. This is my treehouse and I will push you off the ladder with glee.
There! I saved us both some time.
I am a Unitarian Universalist Pagan; I used to identify as Wiccan (hence the books I wrote on the subject) but realized I’d left the label behind years ago. I’m trying to figure out where I fit in as far as the modern Pagan world goes. I do still practice the Craft, and I attend Live Oak Unitarian Universalist Church in Cedar Park.

I am an ethical vegan and I do not debate the subject. I seriously do not care why you can’t give up cheese. I’m not perfect in that regard – there’s no such thing anyway – I make a lot of mistakes, but I continue to try and do better and live by my values as fully as I can. “Ideals” implies there’s an ideal state to attain, and I don’t think we as humans can do that; we can only keep trying, and when we know better, do better.
I believe in deity most days but am also staunchly pro-science and very, very into the separation of church and state because nobody’s thousand year old book or invisible Friend, including the ones I believe in, should dictate public policy.

I am mentally ill and talk about it quite openly because silence and stigma both kill.
My fiction involves LGBTQIA relationships and polyamorous relationships. Like a lot. I curse a VERY LOT. I abuse capslock regularly.
This past year I took up miniatures as a hobby; I’ve been working on a Witchy dollhouse for most of the year. If you follow me on Instagram you’ve seen pictures. By “working on” I mean “building from scratch,” including the furniture and fixtures. It’s been quite an adventure.
Let’s see, what else? I bake, I crochet…basically I’m your grandma.