A Ramble on My Mental Health and Such

I put my altar in time out today.

Much like this blog I’ve been trying to figure out what to do with it for a long time. The answer to the former was to do a bit of a redesign and try again; the answer to the latter seems to be “get it out of my face.”

This is not to say I’ve stopped believing or practicing for good or any of that. I’ve stripped it down naked so I can give it a good cleaning but then I plan to only put back a half dozen or so things. Everything is so complicated, so fraught, in life anymore that I want something to be simple. I’m not getting rid of anything, just putting it in a box for a while.

I admit my practice, and my spiritual/magical life in general, has suffered lately. Aside from (and possibly also due to) what’s going on in the world, watching completely incompetent, cruel children destroy the lives of people in my country and try to erase those I care for while the planet broils and bird flu spreads, well, my brain has decided to try and kill me again. I tumbled into the Shit Pit a couple of weeks ago and though I keep trying to climb out I end up seeing too many news posts, or thinking too hard about my current life circumstances, and rolling right back in.

My depression follows a fairly predictable cycle that is at least loosely tied to my hormones. (This doesn’t seem to interest gynecologists or regular doctors, according to them I should just take birth control about it and go on a diet.) I tend to get a wave of badness about 10-14 days before I bleed and usually once my actual period starts I’m able to slowly climb out, then get a couple of days of feeling really well before I do it all again. This has been my life for as long as I’ve had a period, although I’m pretty sure I had some level of depression long before that. But sometimes things are bad enough that I don’t get the climb. I stay in the Pit for weeks. Those are the scary ones where dark thoughts gain traction and I have, in the past, ended up in crisis.

Is that happening this time? I don’t know. I know that when there are actual exacerbating circumstances it’s a lot harder than when it’s “just” my brain full of faulty wiring. Random Shit Pit episodes are easier because they aren’t based on events; I can look at how I feel and say “This is temporary, it’ll be better in a few days.” When actual bad things are happening the intensity of whole thing doubles.

My mind is the sky; my moods are just the weather. They move across the sky and change and sometimes they’re fierce and terrifying, but they always change. There is no static state of the self. And yet…

In times like this I always start to question: Is this the one I won’t come back from? Is there something underneath the Shit Pit that’s trying to stretch its claws up into my soul? Am I ever going to actually be happy, or even okay, for more than 3-4 days at a time? Is there any point in even asking?

One thing is certain: I need to see a real brain doctor. I’m fond of my GP but her knowledge of my issues is limited by necessity. I need someone whose entire job is brain wiring. Someone who can confirm I have ADHD and help me figure out where the depression fits into it. That’s one of my intentions for the next month – find a shrink, female, who takes my insurance. But my executive dysfunction makes that kind of adulting very very difficult. I’m still fighting with myself to call my former 401k people and get them to change my account information so I can actually log in again.

I’m going to have to show up for myself, though, or whatever happens out there in the world, in here, it will never get any better.

You may notice…

If you’ve been here lately, you may have noticed that things have changed a bit. I’m trying some new themes and graphics to freshen things up. I’m hoping to get back to why I loved blogging when I was younger and how I can bring that energy and fearlessness back as well.

Stay tuned!


You may have noticed that January is half over and no Book 8 has emerged.

I promise I’m not trying to be coy, or build suspense, and I’m not going to be that Thrones fella who never finishes his series. The final Shadow World book is coming, but I cannot at this time give you a firm release date. Again I apologize. I fully intended to finish the book in the last months of 2023. That was the plan and I believed I could do it, but it turns out I couldn’t.

I’m going to level with you here, and I am not in any way trying to draw sympathy. I just want you to know what’s been going on so hopefully you can forgive my flakiness and continue to humor me.

Honestly I feel like I’ve forgotten how to write. The last few years have been hell on my creativity and confidence. I am working to regain those things. To write like I do, I really have to be deeply involved in my characters and feel the hot flush of my work. I need to cry when something sad happens and feel the prickles up and down my arms that I feel when I’ve “caught” a scene. It’s a feeling of rightness; it’s not always pleasant, but it’s right. When I feel that I know I’m doing what I’m made to do.

Let me tell you, disillusionment and unremitting major depressive disorder were not in my plan when I was young and knew, just KNEW, I’d be a “famous author” one day. (Whatever that even means.) I’m good at what I do. I know that. But being a good writer is meaningless if you don’t, well, WRITE.

I finished Shadow Rising by the skin of my teeth in terms of the emotional energy I had to work with. The last few years have wrung me out.

I have put so much of myself into these novels–I poured my heart into Queen of Shadows, and throughout the series I have fed my despair, sadness, hope, and belief into the characters. Nothing that Miranda feels is something I have not felt. I hope that it shows! I’ve always believed emotional honesty is key to characters that feel “alive.” The problem is, I only have so much fuel. I have had very little to give my beloved world in the last few years. It’s all been devoted to, and this is not an exaggeration, staying alive, and to some extent functional.

It’s also possible that I’m afraid. Once the last book is written, the Shadow World series is over. Not to say that I’d never revisit it, especially in short story form like Met by Midnight, but a whole era of my life would be concluded, for better or for worse. It may turn out to be the end of me as a writer.

I know that’s not true, or at least it doesn’t have to be. Neither does my fear that having given so much to the SW series I won’t ever be able to do it again. How do you invest so much in a world and the people in it and just…move on? I have no idea. I don’t know how other authors do it. Think of any fictional world that you’ve truly loved and think about what the author did next. I bet it wasn’t all that great, and if they came up with something else just as immersive that affected people as strongly as the first one…how the hell did they do it? I have no idea. I’m scared to find out. I’m sure part of my psyche was like, “well…let’s just never finish!”

Like I said, I’m working on all of this. My Word of the Year for 2024 is “rekindle,” specifically bringing life back to those parts of me that seem to have died out. Wish me luck. More than that, wish me a spark.

A Few Influences

Just to give you an idea of what I mean when I say spiritual inspiration can come from anywhere, here are some examples from my own practice.  

1.  I use prayer beads, which of course are common to many cultures; I designed my own system, however, so it’s not a mala or a rosary.

2.  I light a flaming chalice on my altar to honor my UUism, which was one of the first ways I altered my way of doing things when I joined the church.  The chalice is a traditional Pagan symbol, but to me the church’s flaming chalice is the light of reason in the embrace of spirit–a flame in a chalice.  That’s just how I view it, though, everyone thinks of it a little differently as a symbol.

3.  I smoke cleanse my space, but usually with stick incense for practical reasons.  I have been known to use white sage but I’m not buying any more now that I understand how threatened the plant is becoming.  I’d rather the tribes who use it in their own traditions have it. There are a couple of Native-made stick incenses that I’m willing to buy but no more bundles for this Witch.

4.   The goddess that I interact with looks almost exactly like a celebrity (Sara Bareilles, please don’t tell her, lol).  I have no idea why!  I am a fan of her music but if we were going on fandom levels alone she’d be Taylor Swift. That would be truly weird.

5.   When I envison magical energy I use a modified version of a concept I found in a fantasy novel (Gael Baudino’s Strands of Starlight, which calls it the Dance; I just call it the Web of Life).  When “hooking up” to the Web (you can’t be disconnected from it but your awareness can be) I experience and imagine how, in the movie Pacific Rim, the Jager operators snap into their robots and enter the Drift (see gif below).

6.  Not long ago I was doing a meditative journey and found myself in the Forest of Spirits, which is where I sometimes meet with Persephone, but instead someone else showed up, and we’ve met a few times since.  I don’t think he’s a god, just a teacher-type entity–and at least in these meditations, he’s Dream of the Endless from The Sandman TV series on Netflix.  We talk about working magic through the visualization of the Web of Life, and I’ve learned quite a bit about, as he calls it, dreamweaving.

Full disclosure, this may just be because I want to bang Morpheus like a Tibetan temple gong, but even so, the imagery works surprisingly well for me.  

7.   Over the years I’ve used imagery from witchy and ritual moments of Supernatural, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, The Vampire Diaries, The Secret Circle, The Craft, Practical Magic, and Frozen 2 when casting circle or doing energy work.  When I see something neat that looks like what I’m planning to do, I try it!  If it moves me, I keep doing it.  If not, I go back to my usual methods.

8. The images of Deity on my altar include a Funko Pop! of Te’Fiti from Moana.

Okay, so I couldn’t find the Pacific Rim gif I was looking for but I think you’ll agree this one is way better than anything I could have shown you related to the post. 

August Bullet Journal Setup: Folklore

Recently I went on a Temu bender (I know, they’re evil, don’t lecture me, it was just a summer thing) and I ended up with a mountain of stickers. It was so hard to resist all these pretties for a dollar a pack! And I ended up with not one but two sets of Taylor Swift lyric stickers, primarily focused on her Folklore album (that and Evermore are my favorites of hers). I looked at them and thought, what on EARTH am I going to do with all of these?

Then I was trying to decide how to do up my bullet journal for the new month, and had a wonderful idea.

Even better: One of the songs on Folklore is called “August.” It’s fate!

I give you August, decorated primarily with stickers but also with hand lettering and doodles by myself. I’ll probably do that a lot the rest of the year since I have SO MANY stickers: Tarot cards, coffee, book themed, cats, more cats, pigs, moths and butterflies, more cats…oy vey.

If you’re new to my bujo style, I always include a spread called Good Things where I write in or draw something good about each day – a person, a food, an event, whatever.
I hadn’t been doing mood trackers since I got back into my bujo, but I felt the need to do one for this theme for some reason.
Yep, I’m at less than 20k words on Shadowsong. Expect to see me grow crazier and crazier between now and October 31. (The time between that and release day are for final edits and coding.)
So the weekly spreads are partly blank so I can fill in my hydration checker and a to-do list. I went ahead and made all the weeks ahead of time and decorated them so I wouldn’t have to worry about it all month – I tried doing week by week in July and half the weeks ended up looking like hot chickenscratch garbage. This way I can still move things around but it’s not just a big blank page.
Please to not notice the fact that I was off by a day on every weekly page and had to patch over the dates to fix them. 😀
One of my favorite lines from the whole album is from “The Last Great American Dynasty.”
“I had a marvelous time ruining everything.”

Depth Year May Check-in & Pics of the Dollhouse Bath

The year is almost halfway over, and I have already decided that some of my “depth year” stuff isn’t working for me.  Some things that I thought I wanted to stop doing, turns out I’m fine with continuing, for one reason or another.  I think I need a goal refresh for the 2nd half of 2023.

Some no-buy categories I definitely want to continue, some not so much.

Books – I’m going to continue my new book embargo until I’ve had the time and energy to go through my current library and a) reorganize b) cull out anything I don’t want.  But there are  a few books coming out later this year that I really want to get, so, saying NO BOOKS ALL YEAR seems a bit extreme.  Being mindful and deliberate in my purchasing I think is a better way to go (with, like, everything).

Washi Tape – I’m totally fine with keeping this ban in place.  I definitely don’t need any more washi.  I’m kind of curious by the end of the year how much of what I have I’ll have actually used; I’ve been super focused on the dollhouse so I haven’t done much that required pretty tape, but that project will be done with pretty soon.

Miniatures – Nope.   Gotta abandon this one.  Like I said, the dollhouse is almost done, and there are small bits I need to consider it finished; there is structural work and exteriors that need attention but the rest is all decorative.  I did really enjoy making all the little toiletries and stuff for the bathroom (pics below) but there are some things I just can’t make without losing my mind in the process.  Not to mention, I’m already planning my next project (something much smaller) that I’ll need to restock for, so, I think it’s best to just yeet this whole no-buy category.   

Delivery food – Sweet lord.  I have GOT to lay off ordering out.  It’s so stupidly expensive and unhealthy – I want to put a little more focus on my health this summer, and one thing I can definitely do is cook more of my own meals (or at least put together meals at home).  I want to talk about that in its own post soon.  I’d really like to go the whole month without ordering out more than maybe once.

Dollhouse Progress in May:  

I basically did the whole bathroom, and made almost everything myself except the toilet.  I’m really happy with the room overall.  I did finish that second wardrobe for the bedroom, and I did some work on the windows (I still haven’t decided if I’m going to put “glass” in them, but they needed better framing for sure) and a window box for the kitchen.   In June:  Finish the outside of the house.  Get the roof cut and glued and prepped for shingling or whatever I end up doing.  Make doors.  If at all possible, finish the whole project and create a video tour.

Writing Progress:

If you missed it, I announced that the 8th Shadow World book will be out on my birthday this year.  I might have been utterly bonkerdoodles doing that, but I work well under deadlines.  June will be devoted to establishing a schedule for work on the book and hopefully getting a few chapters done and building momentum.  Meanwhile I plan to keep blogging at least once a week.

Favorite Things in May:

1.  I finished reading one of the books I mentioned last month!  It was my very first book on process theology, and it took so long to read because I was furiously highlighting and making notes and sitting with the ideas as I read them.  It’s called She Who Changes: Re-Imagining the Divine in the World by noted goddess scholar Carol P. Christ.  I’m planning to find more sources, including some of the foundation texts of the movement.  But was a soul-thundering book, and has already had a profound effect on how I look at things, changing a lot of the scenery on my spiritual path.

2.  This adorable tea bag/spoon rest I found on Etsy. There are lots of things in this shop I’d love to have but this little guy makes me smile whenever I see it on my table. The seller makes a lot of inexpensive gifts with multiple color options. If you’re as much of a sucker for little plates and bowls as I am, you should definitely check out ShoeHouseStudio.

Things to Do in June:

1.  See paragraphs on dollhouse and writing.  Those will be the big things to occupy my time and energy.

2.  I do also want to steer my diet back in a more healthful direction; I might have another go at meal planning.  I’ve never been able to make it work for me, but the right method might be just around the corner.

3.   Finish reading Where the Crawdads Sing.

Happy June-ing!

Overview of the bathroom. I did not make the toilet or the sink itself, but most everything else including the sink cabinet was handmade. The tub was a Kerrygold butter tub a friend gave me. Ignore the unfinished door and window. Oh and also ignore how desperately uneven the floor came out. I did not have fun trying to install that bastard.
Cat box, LOL. In theory this wall would be closed in, so, the box would be snug in the corner. I hung the scooper (made of wood and paper) over the box (made of wood with sand).
Pay no attention to the lady in the mirror. We have artwork that I cut out of a thank-you card from one of my many Etsy orders; the towel/rug were originally white but my roommate helped me dye them. On the back of the toilet we have a fancy bowl of tampons and some reading material, and then I made the toothbrush (carved toothpick)/paste (air dry clay) and the clothes hamper (hemp cord around a bottle cap).
I love, LOVE all the jars and bottles – most are made of cut glue sticks with beads for caps and labels I printed out and stuck on with double-sided tape, and the nail polishes are each a single bead with a painted bit of a toothpick. I also made the cotton balls, which was super fun. The candle is a white crayon in a bead cap. I couldn’t get the curtain to stay open but there are spare toilet rolls in there. There’s a tiny wood comb I attempted to carve on the top shelf but it’s hard to see. I even put a pump on top of the soap on the sink (bits of toothpick again).
I made the robe and slippers out of scraps of fabric.

April 2023 Depth Year Update

Man, you guys, I have absolutely screwed the pooch on some of my no-buy categories this month.  Don’t worry, there’s no guilt involved, just amusement. More than anything I want to learn about myself and ways to live better, not to judge myself for my habits. 

I’ve added a couple of new things to this month-end post that I want to talk about.  Hopefully you’ll find it entertaining if nothing else!

No Buy categories:

Books – None! Still going strong, yay!

Washi tape – None.

Miniatures – I got a lot of supplies and a couple of pieces there was no way I was going to build myself, notably the toilet.  Toilets are shaped very weirdly and frustrate even long-time minaturists.  I found a 3d printed one on Etsy for less than ten bucks and said YOINK!      

Food delivery – Y’all I am still fighting this one and losing.  In fact I did worse this month than I have so far this year!  I had a few really shitty depressive days that ended with UberEats bringing me an Impossible Whopper or a gigantic molten cinnamon roll, and overall just did not control my spending the way I intended to.  But my bills are paid and there’s gas in my car, so, it’s not a tragedy.  I shall persevere!   

Dollhouse Progress: 

I finally got the back wall spackled, painted, and installed, and I put in wooden beams in the “rafters” to hold the upstairs walls straight.  They won’t really show once the roof is on but they’ve made that whole floor rock-solid.  I’ve built a wardrobe for the bedroom TWICE because the first one came out so poorly.  And I’m working on turning an old Kerrygold butter tub (acquired from a nonvegan friend, lol) into a bath.    In May:   Finishing up the bedroom, work proceeding on the bathroom.  Get the back wall covered in stone, grouted, color washed.  Add moss to allllll the outside walls.  If I’m feeling particularly frisky I’ll start on the roof.

Writing Progress:

I have nearly three chapters of the 8th Shadow World book written!  It’s such slow going, mostly because I’m waffling on what order to place things in on the timeline.  I’m also trying to get into the head of the newest character, but I don’t feel like I’ve “caught” her yet.  I’m a character-focused writer so I need to be able to speak in the character’s voice, figuring out how she ticks. I don’t know what other writers call it but I call it “catching” the character.

Obviously I’ve been blogging a lot more than I have in months, which is awesome – I’ve really been enjoying talking about my own odd little religious stew.  I’ve been fretting over whether to try and write a book about it for a long time now, but I think just going for broke and putting it all out there blog-style is the way to go for now.  I watch all the new books coming out in the Pagan world and I feel like, what exactly do I have to add to all of this?  When I wrote my first two books I felt like I was helping to fill a gap.  I’m not sure there are any gaps now!

Favorite Things in April:

1. Hiki deodorant – Let’s be practical:  When skin folds over other skin, it sweats and can get manky.   Underarms and crotches are the most obvious examples but when you’re a large person you may have additional folds to tend to.  I’m making more effort these days to deal with the reality of my fat body without casting judgment over it, and one thing that’s helped is this deodorant made for skin folds.  It really does make me feel fresher and more together.  I’m definitely sold on Hiki!

2.  I asked my roommate to buzz my hair off again.   I think I need to just admit that I hate having hair to tend to.   Almost all “girly” things just make me tired and honestly, I’m a middle aged fat woman in yoga pants and t-shirts, who’s even looking?  LOL Anyone who does and thinks “oh god that’s awful” is of no interest to me.  That’s another thing I’m internalizing in my 40s – the divine and sacred power of “Oh fuck off.”

Things to Do in May:

1. Drink a ton more water

2. Finish the two books I’ve been in the middle of for most of the year

3. Keep blogging!

4. Research how to start a CUUPS (Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans) chapter

5. Get Ch4 of SW VIII drafted

6. Come up with more ways to really wriggle into the whole “depth” part of “depth year.”

What are you up to this May? Travel, adventure? Naps? <–me

Devotional Witchcraft 101: What is Magic, Anyway?

In these posts I’ll be talking about my own particular personal tradition.  I call it Devotional Witchcraft, and it blends concepts from Wicca, Unitarian Universalism,  general NeoPaganism, process theology, natural magic, a wee bit of ceremonial magic,  a bit of Eastern thought,  my own imagination, and a dash of pop culture.  (Combine in a neurotypical brain and shake well.)  As always, I am speaking purely from my own 30 years of experience in the Witchly arts.  Others view magic differently and have very different histories.  

I’ve been asked a number of times over the years, “If magic really works, why aren’t Witches all rich and happy?”

The question itself, I feel, both ignores how many different ways there are to have a fulfilling life and shows a fundamental misunderstanding of how magic works and what it is for.

My current definition of magic:

The art of using metaphysical energies to influence probability.

The universe exists as a vast web of probabilities that is woven in every moment.  Any given choice you make could yield a dozen different possible futures depending on the others involved, the complexity of the issue, and how much energy and work you put into it.  The idea when doing magic is that you are trying to tip the scales so that the possibility you want to see manifest becomes a higher and higher probability.

Now, depending on how many other influences there are on the situation and the strength of the opposition to your desires, you have a better or lesser chance of getting what you want.  A lot can get between you and your ideal life, especially yourself! 

That’s why we add tools, colors, herbs, et cetera; every natural ally and layer of symbolism you enlist increases the energy you have to work with to put toward your goal.  In my tradition I also ask for help from the Goddess, but not all Witches (or other magical practitioners) work with deities and some work with other sorts of beings.  

Meanwhile, while your spell is cooking, you also get off your ass and work for the goal in the mundane world, because the idea is to increase probability, not wait for stuff to fall in your lap.  

For example:

You have decided you really, really want a new job, so you do a big complicated spell to get one, then sit down and wait for phone calls. 

Will that work?

Highly unlikely.  I mean it’s possible – anything is – but it’s incredibly improbable

How do you make it more probable?  You do things like looking at job listings, talking to contacts in whatever industry, then putting in applications and interviewing, following up, yadda yadda.  You know, you do the work.  

So how does that spell you did actually help?  Well, think of it as another thing you’re doing to add to the mix to get the job you need.  You already do things like rehearsing for your interview, boning up on the company itself, and looking swanky when you go in to meet the interviewer.  Now, you’ve also added magical energy to the pot, and that gives you a boost.   The more you put into the spell, the bigger the boost.

Will it miraculously land you a job?  I’d be lying if I said it can’t.  It’s happened to me.  Most often, magic works through coincidences and “it just so happened” events more than through the ostentatiously miraculous.  Things happen faster and turn out better than you expected. You seem lucky to the outside world.  Magic likes to put the right amount of pressure in the right place at the right time, and to make connections between things that might not otherwise line up.  

Whether someone appears happy or wealthy or not, you have no idea what they’ve overcome already with the help of their magic.  We are each a work in progress.  We have to choose where to put our energy, and sometimes spellwork isn’t a priority.  If you’re like me, you have an illness that is every moment sapping your will to endure, so you can’t always get it up, metaphysically speaking.   Sometimes I choose to use my inner resources on magic, and sometimes I just have to go to bed and try again tomorrow.

Magic is an art and a tool, not a fairy wand that poofs your desires into existence.  When you really want something, you do everything you can to help yourself get it; if you’re a Witch, that means have additional means at your disposal.   

At the same time, magic is not (in my experience) just imposing your will on the universe to “make” things happen.  Magic is a sacred art.  You use not only your own energy but that of nature and, when I do it at least, help from the Goddess.  My view of deity is that god is a process, not a thing – constantly changing, unfolding, evolving, and always seeking to experience the world through Her children.  (More on my theology in future posts.)  

Some people think that magic is just in your head, that it’s all imagination and not “real.”  I say, “…so?”  Whether the energy I’m moving around is objectively “real” or not, shit gets done.  Not to be all Matrix-y or anything but “what is real,” anyway?  Working with magic is empowering and uplifting and helps me become more of the person I want to be.  Whether I’m right about how it works or not is, honestly, irrelevant to me.  A worldview with gods and magic makes sense to me and moves my spirit.  I don’t expect anyone else to believe what I do.

(I’ll be pointing this out again when I talk about God, by the way.  Stay tuned. ) 

March Recap – Depth Year Update

Time for a review of March’s Depth Year efforts.  I have to say this month went a lot better than February, though I’m clearly still a work in progress (in all things!).  

No Buy categories:

I did great in all but one! 

Books – None

Washi tape – None

Miniatures – None (just supplies)

Food delivery- Sweet baby Jesus,  I’m still really struggling here.  I had some really bad brain days this month, and it’s almost impossible to properly feed myself when I’m in the Shit Pit.  I think barely being able to get out of bed is an acceptable circumstance for food delivery; I just need to cut out all the other occasions, like, “Because it’s Wednesday.”  I did manage to stanch the bleeding in the second half of the month which I’m hoping is a positive trend.  

Winnowing categories:

Tarot decks and oracles – not yet

Books – not yet

Cookbooks – not yet

One of the bedroom miniatures, submitted without comment.

Clothes – I gave away three entire grocery bags full of clothes!  My closet is literally half empty.  I was extra relentless – if I hadn’t worn it in a year it went in the bags.  If it didn’t fit it went in the bags.  I gave the whole lot to a woman on my local Buy Nothing group

Altar stuff – not yet

Art supplies – not yet

Also this month I made some progress on the dollhouse (I’m going to do a big tour soon, I just want to get the top floor back wall on so you’re not looking through the house at my roommate’s chair) – I got her altar and Witchy shelves made and installed and they look SO COOL.  

And, I started/completed another unrelated project, an apothecary/library style jewelry cabinet.   There’ll be a separate post on that too.

The altar and Witchy shelves; I made most of it, including the candles.

So……How About April?

This month I’d like to:

1. Continue improvement on the whole food delivery thing, preferably not do it at all.  

2. I didn’t get back on my meditation/ritual wagon as much as I’d like in March either, so that remains a goal.  My hope is to do meditations of 20 minutes (or so) at least 3 times a week, and sit at my altar (for any reason or just to chill) at least once a week.   Amazing how quickly life gets in the way of that!  I do things rather sporadically but I need to make it a habit again.

3.  Keep moving on the decluttering!  

Depth Year Check-in: February

I’ll be honest:  February was kind of a non-starter.  

Blog Posts require pictures now, right?

A nasty ice storm hit Austin the first week of the month and brought down half the trees in the city; this also knocked out power to hundreds of thousands of people, including myself.  Our power was out for four days.  (This happened two years ago, if you’ll recall, only much worse.)  With no way to cook and our fridge out (I hope I never have to clean rotten food out of a fridge that’s had no power for a week ever, ever again!) we had to order out food several times, breaking my “no food delivery” part of the depth year.   I lost my grip on ordering out after that and did it oh, so many times.  Looking at the amount of money I spent it makes me even more determined to shake the habit!  

I’ve grossly violated a couple of other spending categories, but I didn’t do it with my own money!  I got a gift card to B&N and ordered three new books.   But no washi tape or Tarot decks!  Small victories, right?

I did buy a couple of dollhouse things, but they weren’t miniatures themselves; I downloaded some templates for a tiny project to go in the house, and I ordered supplies (wood glue, spackle, sandpaper, UV resin, and a mold to make jars – I tried 100 different ways to make little herb jars, but they all sucked.  I finally broke down and ordered a mold.  Witches need jars, yo.).   As I said, supplies are fine.  Hopefully this order will be enough of everything to finish the house!  My goal is to get it done by May, so it will be a full yearlong project.  

I am thinking maybe when the house is basically finished if I want to do one last order for little things to embellish or finish it off, that would be okay.   For example, I want to get my dollhouse character a pair of rubber rain boots to put on the patio.  Little things like that.  But I’d definitely set a limit! That kind of stuff adds up FAST.

(Don’t worry, I plan to post pics of the house and some of the miniatures I’ve made for it. I’m far too proud of the project not to share it everywhere I can.)

To sum up:  February = NOPE!  I’m not too upset about it; this month blew very similar goats to January.  In March I’m going to focus on three things:  Not ordering food delivery, working on the dollhouse upstairs, and getting back on my meditation practice, which has suffered horribly in the last couple of months.  

What are you hoping to do in March?  Drop a comment if you’d like to share.