The Circle Within: Creating a Wiccan Spiritual Tradition – OUT OF PRINT

You’ve read the books, assembled the tools, celebrated full moos, and attended public Sabbat rituals. You’re Wiccan – but are you really living and breathing your spirituality? Being Wiccan means walking the path twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week – not just on full moons and Sabbats.
The Circle Within is your guide to creating a personal spiritual practice for daily life. The first section is a thoughtful examination of Wiccan ethics and philosophy that explores how to truly live Wicca. The second section includes devotional prayers and rituals that provide inspiration for group or solitary practice.
Topics in this book include: cultivating an ongoing personal relationship with deity, ethics and standards of behavior, concepts of sacred space, elements of a daily practice, tuning into the Wheel of the Year and the elements, and creating meaningful personal Pagan rituals.
Published in 2003 by Llwellyn Worldwide.
The Body Sacred – OUT OF PRINT

When you look in the mirror, do you see a Goddess? For anyone who’s experienced a “fat day” or wished a doctor could make them younger, Wiccan Dianne Sylvan speaks candidly about overcoming body hatred and offers a spiritual path back to Divine femininity.
Sharing her own struggles with poor body image and self-acceptance, Sylvan explores how the impossible standard of female beauty has developed and endured. Emphasizing the Mother, the Healer, the Lover, and other archetypes of one’s relationship with the sacred body, the author provides a uniquely Wiccan approach to achieving a healthy, new self-perception as Goddess.
Published by Llewellyn Worldwide in 2004.